Motivation Monday and a Blogcation

Hi all –
I promise I have not disappeared. Just when I promised daily posts I go off and leave! We went out-of-town for a long weekend at my parents’ house where there were 6 of us sharing 1 computer. Needless to say, I did not get much internet time. I do have my Thoughtful Thursday post almost ready (it will be late but it will be posted) from last week. I also have a great item that I want to talk about for my Family Friday, as well.

I don’t have a whole quote for today. What I have is a set of words.   Sunday started Advent for many Christians – a time of anticipation and preparation of our hearts for the birth of Jesus. There were several words that popped out at me during the homily yesterday. I am just going to write them and let you sit with them. They are going to mean something different to each person during this frenzied time leading up to Christmas. I would love to hear YOUR feelings about these words…






3 responses to “Motivation Monday and a Blogcation

  1. Welcome back – missed you, and hope you had a wonderful time! I have to say how much I loved your comment to my post today – I laughed so hard, and was SO grateful that someone would post something comparable to my sorry stories (I’m convinced no one will eat my cooking ever again now that it’s out).
    Of the words you posted, the one that I hope to focus on the most is patience. I seem to be generating less and less for some reason this season and therefore lose focus on the things I should be concentrating on. It will be a priority of mine.

    • I am like you – I start out with a recipe and end up with something totally different – but it usually tastes really good. I just could never recreate it!

      Patience is very hard for me, too! Waiting to adopt and then parenting have both helped and made my impatience worse! I think my word, not listed, but really needed this year is Cherish – moments, people, memories, even the little things that make me impatient – because they won’t always be there.

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